Every May 1st, one can perform the May Day Magic ritual to spiritually crown another and receive a crown in return in three steps. One simply creates a magical space, symbolically crowns another, and closes the space.
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Every May 1st, one can perform the May Day Magic ritual to spiritually crown another and receive a crown in return in three steps. One simply creates a magical space, symbolically crowns another, and closes the space.
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I can think of nothing worse than the gym. Full disclosure: I do GO to the gym. And I hate every second of it. I'm also wickedly allergic to the self-righteous proselytizing of pseudo-yogis and workout buffs who believe their workout is the best workout or that I MUST go Paleo, like yesterday. No, thanks, I'm good. Here's the simple reality: everyone is different in their workout goals and abilities, and everyone likes different things. You may love barre, but I find that shit unbearable. And that's OK!
If you prefer to be reading a book (or writing a book) or casting a spell, you can still get your blood going (so, you know, you stay alive). I rounded up some of the workouts I like because the instructors are down-to-earth and fun to listen to. I also tried to include instructors who are body-positive and forgiving, because if you can't do the high kick, don't do the damn high kick.
Adrienne is great because she's calm, chill and encouraging — and she even cracks a few jokes here and there. She's still pretty serious, so you'll learn a lot from her and you'll learn how important it is to do this for you. And her 30-day yoga program is the best.
I love Blogilates. Cassey is the most lively, lovely, inspiring woman — and every single video she makes is SO thoughtful and quality.
It's so important to remember that working out and ableism often go hand in hand. Here's a great, high-energy workout that people can do in their seats if they have some mobility.
Jessamyn Stanley is amazing. She's super friendly and she busts misconceptions about yoga, making sure her viewers are comfortable and inspired. She has a bundle plan and an app — and you can get it all here.
I love this woman! She's really fun to work out with — she keeps your energy high, her workouts are easy to do in a small apartment and she will WORK YOU.
Ashley Graham is incredible — she's been working super hard to prove that size is NOT an indicator of fitness or health. She's strong, powerful and super down-to-earth. All you need here is a low-resistance workout band.
This workout is SO fun. Veena and Neena Bidasha, sisters, show you how to do some basic moves and then incorporate them into a workout. I also included another video I love.
If you're in bed all day and NOT getting up....this is it.
As someone with an autoimmune disorder that causes arthritis, I know the importance of keeping those knees healthy and strong. This video can help.
If you hate to workout and are bored by crunches, this workout is relatively easy and fun.
Lisa Marie Basile is the founding editor-in-chief of Luna Luna Magazine and moderator of its digital community. Her work has appeared in The Establishment, Bustle, Bust, Hello Giggles, Marie Claire, Good Housekeeping, Cosmopolitan and The Huffington Post, among other sites. She is the author of Apocryphal (Noctuary Press), war/lock (Hyacinth Girl Press), Andalucia (The Poetry Society of New York) and Triste (Dancing Girl Press). Her work can be found in PANK, the Tin House blog, The Nervous Breakdown, The Huffington Post, Best American Poetry, PEN American Center, The Atlas Review, and the Ampersand Review, among others. She has taught or spoken at Brooklyn Brainery, Columbia University, New York University and Emerson College. Lisa Marie Basile holds an MFA from The New School. @lisamariebasile
Evelyn Garcia
Marianna, Yevda, and Nadya are shivering up there in the sky, (like three jewels jittering inside their flying crowns, or coffins, depending on their fate). Marianna is known as the Sapphire because she is blue eyed; Yevda is the Emerald, green eyed, and Nadya is the Ruby (with brown eyes and red hair). Their fairy tale is one of war and of witches, of poverty and prettiness, of lightness and speed, of secret terror and secret victory. Their enemies call them the Nachthexen: night-witches.
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