I can think of nothing worse than the gym. Full disclosure: I do GO to the gym. And I hate every second of it. I'm also wickedly allergic to the self-righteous proselytizing of pseudo-yogis and workout buffs who believe their workout is the best workout or that I MUST go Paleo, like yesterday. No, thanks, I'm good. Here's the simple reality: everyone is different in their workout goals and abilities, and everyone likes different things. You may love barre, but I find that shit unbearable. And that's OK!
If you prefer to be reading a book (or writing a book) or casting a spell, you can still get your blood going (so, you know, you stay alive). I rounded up some of the workouts I like because the instructors are down-to-earth and fun to listen to. I also tried to include instructors who are body-positive and forgiving, because if you can't do the high kick, don't do the damn high kick.
Yoga With Adrienne
Adrienne is great because she's calm, chill and encouraging — and she even cracks a few jokes here and there. She's still pretty serious, so you'll learn a lot from her and you'll learn how important it is to do this for you. And her 30-day yoga program is the best.