Joint in one hand, black magic in the other. I am a weed witch, The High Priestess of Smoke. Guardian of the unconscious, practitioner of the unexpected.
Be still and know that I am free.
Born of the earth and sky, conjuring magick from the smoke.
I welcome you my sisters and brothers to a new way to enjoy your sins:
Weed Magick, a blend of witchcraft and marijuana.
How you choose to use this magick is up to you but be warned, what you put out into the universe will come back to you. Smoking the holy herb is a spiritual act, one that puts you in touch with the four elements and when practised correctly can lift the veil reveal and nature's secrets.
Collect your necessities
Tobacco (optional)
Oil (optional)
Small bowl of water
Small bowl of salt
Before starting
It’s important for a witch to be in the right state of body and mind before performing a spell. Make sure you won’t be distracted. Turn off your phone/TV etc although some music can actually help you get into the frame of mind for casting.
Start the circle. You need space to work in, so we create a circle. There is no need to have a physical circle to work within, however it is worthwhile to have a dedicated place where you can practice your craft. Creating your own altar is a simple and effective way to create a space for you to work in.
If you wish, you may call on the divine or or certain energies to watch over and bless your rite. These are usually connected to the elements earth, air, water and fire. A circle contains the energy of your spell until you are ready to release it. Energy can be released through burning papers or herbs, visualization, or gestures. With intention and power, send the energy toward your goal.
The first step is to grind your weed with intention. If you don’t have a grinder, get one! You may want to bless your weed before you start. Here is an old blessing that you can use.
“From earth to air, and here to there
I grind you fine, with love and care
Through pestle to essence, here I sow
From whole to powder, on mortar you go
Round and round, may your power grow
Continue to let your energy flow”
Imagine you are grinding away any negativity, bad thoughts leaving your positive and ready to work your magick.
Rihanna <3
You may want to write something with a pencil on your rolling papers. A name, a destination or even just words like positivity, strength etc
As you crumble the herb into your paper repeat a mantra as you focus your energy.
You can create your own incantation, which usually works better than using another witch's words but you can adapt or use the one provided below:
I smoke of my sisters and brothers in the light of the high. The ancient and the new. I light from the flame with pure intention, self love and power.
You must always light a joint from a candle. (The colour of which should correspond to the spell you are casting.)
Here is a quick list of colours and what they represent:
Black: Used in rituals to induce a deep meditational state, to protect and/or to ward off negativity. Can be used to banish evil or negativity.
Blue: The primary spiritual color It’s used to obtain wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace; truth and guidance. Other uses include healing, sleep, creativity, perception, calming wisdom, truth, loyalty, dreams, and the examination of emotions.
Green: Promotes prosperity, fertility, and success. Stimulates good luck, harmony, and rejuvenation. Also represents Healing, health, and growth.
Purple: Is used to obtain desires, power and success. Stimulates enthusiasm, desire and power. Some attempt to use it for power over others.
Red: Represents physical pleasures. It can stimulate lust, courage, or strength against enemies. Can confer passion, love, and/or respect. Stimulates energy, health, fertility and will power.
White: Protectection, purify, and heal. Represents truth, unity, protection, peace, purification, happiness, and spirituality. Some say it can be used to replace any color candle in rituals. Used for concentration rituals and meditation work.
The best time to cast a spell
You can cast a weed spell any time you like but spells are more powerful when they are cast during certain moon phases.
If you can, smoking outside under the moon is the best way to let the lunar energy add a bit of strength to your magick.
You can, of course, perform weed magick during the day, being outdoors is best but if you are indoors make sure your curtains are pulled back and open. Let the sun's energy lend itself to your craft.
As you smoke focus your mind on what you want to achieve with this magick. Enjoy the sensation of the smoke filling your body, allow it to make you feel at peace, powerful and in touch with the elements.
Ending the ritual
One your joint is down to the end it’s time to close the circle. Add the bowl of salt to the bowl of water and repeat “The circle is open, but never broken. By the powers above, and the powers below, I close this circle” then drop your roach into the salt water mix. Your weed ritual is over.
Sky above, earth below, smoke within.
Moxie McMurder is a film critic for Welwyn Garden City and keeps a blog here.