Kate Horowitz is an autistic and disabled poet, essayist, and science writer in Maine. Her work has appeared in Rogue Agent, The Atlantic, and bitch magazine; on tarot cards and matchboxes; and in anthologies on inanimate objects, pop culture, and the occult. You can find her at katehorowitz.net, on Twitter @delight_monger, and on Instagram @kate_swriting. She lives by the sea.
Read Morephoto: Anna Carson Dewitt
Kate Horowitz On Why Saying No More Often Is Important
Joanna C. Valente is a human who lives in Brooklyn, New York. They are the author of Sirs & Madams, The Gods Are Dead, Marys of the Sea, Sexting Ghosts, Xenos, No(body) (forthcoming, Madhouse Press, 2019), and is the editor of A Shadow Map: Writing by Survivors of Sexual Assault. They received their MFA in writing at Sarah Lawrence College. Joanna is the founder of Yes Poetry and the senior managing editor for Luna Luna Magazine. Some of their writing has appeared in The Rumpus, Them, Brooklyn Magazine, BUST, and elsewhere. Joanna also leads workshops at Brooklyn Poets. joannavalente.com / Twitter: @joannasaid / IG: joannacvalente / FB: joannacvalente
Kate Horowitz is an essayist, poet, and science writer in Washington, D.C. She is also a chronically ill and disabled lady; an enthusiastic, if clumsy, dancer; a cross-stitcher; and a fan of dogs and toddlers. She likes the moon, and moss, and rain, and bedtime snacks, and long walks at night.