In my 33rd year, I finally started noticing the fine lines on my face. Like some kind of wrinkle numerology, I had three permanent wrinkles across my forehead, and another three that made vertical tally marks between my eyebrows. All of a sudden, I looked my age.
Read MoreMixtape: The Melody of the One Who Left
If you, too, find yourself struggling with family and the surprising pains of growing up this holiday season, take an hour to listen to this mixtape full of not-so-sweet nostalgia. Hold on to your strongest memories, the ones that helped shape who you are today. Then embrace your identity - the one you've worked your ass off for - and never let it go regardless of how much others may disapprove.
Read MoreRemember when your kid discovered The Cure and you were a proud mama?
My Baby’s Not a Baby Anymore (& Some Advice on Dealing With That)
Recently, my daughter turned NINETEEN. I’m feeling a little nostalgic so I’ve decided to forgo the literary stuff and give a little list of the best and the worst of my mothering adventures and how I coped through them. I am so proud and pleased that this wonderful creature came through me. I take some of the blame for her problems but I know she was destined to be just who she is – an arty, slightly moody, over-intelligent, secure and yet slightly insecure girl-on-the-verge-of-woman with the world at her fingertips and just enough strength to reach for it.
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