...maybe this playlist is a small gift I can give that helps, that heals.
Read MoreHughes Léglise-Bataille
Sometimes Time Cannot Mend All Wounds
Even though she was certain she had drunken too much the night before, she still slid into her car, waiting briefly before turning the key and pulling out of the driveway. She drove with such caution, at least fifteen kilometers below the speed limit and triple checking every turn, sign and light. No one else had her caution, the world was so impatient that it wouldn’t wait for her. She had been left behind.
Read MoreNatalia Drepina
Ma Says Monsters are Real
I’m still so afraid of all the monsters that I never want anyone to know or even know about, that no one should ever have to know at all.
Read MoreDaniel J. Butler
Things My Illness Took from Me
When I ride the subway I become so many ages, I carry so many different years, and they appear in layers inside of me in a way I wish I could erase
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