Happy Halloween, dear readers! Our little digital coven hopes you have a magical evening.
Halloween completely embodies Luna Luna's vision — we love when the dark mixes with the light, when the veils come undone. On this day, we're vulnerable and curious and empowered by the night. And on this day, we are free to practice magic without a second glance. But really, we're making magic all year — witchcraft isn't always lavender and candles and alters. Sometimes it's being a strong woman without apologies. Sometimes it's manifesting so hard that reality changes.
The witch has always been such powerful symbol for me. Right now, she's a popular figure...and that's great. But she's eternal, regardless of trend or clever PR. For me — and probably for a lot of us — she's a symbol of strength, resilience and autonomy. Being a witch means honoring the women (either witches or just everyday women) who had no choice but to admit their "sins" or die refusing to lie. This is powerful and haunting. We should never forget that women throughout the world have been prosecuted for what essentially boils down to men/society's fears of what is different or strange or powerful. I embrace the label because I *do* live in world where I have a choice and because I live by the teachings of powerful, magical women who manifest their dreams.
And I am consistently inspired by the amazing people who write and edit for Luna Luna. It's magical, and we invite you into our coven....
We hope you have a safe and spectacularly spooky Halloween night. We love you!